Even The Detractors Make Our Point | Jack Mullen

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Guest Post: by Jack Mullen

It is interesting to watch leftist publications try to vilify the struggle to maintain our Constitutional government and a way of life that empowered individuals while protecting them from parasitical agents and processes typical of life-suffocating social constructs like Communism and its socialist offspring.

Today, I found an article from a publication called Right Wing Watch which calls itself a Project of People for The American Way.  The article is called Constitutional Sheriffs’ Mobilize Resistance to Illinois Gun Law, Expand Far-Right Teaching on Constitution.  

Before talking about the article, I wanted to point out that in the description of this publication, we can find this gem: As a non-profit working hard every day to expose the Far-Right's extreme and intolerant agenda, our primary source of support is donations from readers like you.

I find it impossible to associate dedication to the preservation of Constitutional law – and the system of liberty and justice it offers and defends – with words like “Far Right” or extreme and intolerant.

If by “extreme,” they mean we are uncompromising in our commitment to safeguarding individual liberties and freedoms and respecting every person's right to live their life as they see fit, provided it does not infringe on the rights of others and is done peacefully, then yes.

If by intolerant, they mean we are unwilling to be harnessed, robbed, or limited to living a life as a means to the ends of some government, agenda, or collective, then yes.

If this is what they mean by being Far Right – then I suppose they are right.  But it is amusing that we live in a world of slogans and words that now have modified definitions to suit a political agenda.

The second amendment, for example, has a clear and unmistakable meaning if we use the definitions of words found in the dictionaries of the day it was written.

Yet today, the idea that people have the right to defend themselves using the best tools they can afford is somehow radical, extreme, and intolerant of others. The right of self-defense is a God-given right, the Constitution does not convey that right – it recognizes the right, and consistent with the articles, concepts, and ideas in Constitution, reminds us this right is a primary right for which rational and Lawful people will and must defend.

The right to bear arms is a subset of the right to life – the Constitution notes this right and formally reminds all people that it shall not be infringed. The right to life is a primary right that identifies other necessary rights so that the primary right remains sacrosanct.

But given that most people writing in modern woke or left-leaning publications are educated in the same schools they helped create, I suppose we will just have to ignore the contradictions and not even remind the author that his right to free speech, guaranteed by the Constitution, made his article possible.

I believe the introductory paragraphs of this article do more to further the cause of the CSPOA and people looking to Restore Constitutional Law in America than to oppose it.

While cheering on the dozens of Illinois sheriffs who are publicly refusing to enforce the state’s new assault weapons ban, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is preparing to incorporate even more far-right ideology into the trainings it offers local law enforcement officers.

CSPOA is led by Richard Mack, a former Oath Keepers board member who supported the Bundy family’s armed standoff with federal officials. CSPOA teaches sheriffs that they are the highest law enforcement authority in their counties and that they have a duty to resist state and federal “tyranny”—which in CSPOA’s definition includes gun regulations and public health measures adopted during the COVID-19 epidemic.

In the first paragraph, we notice political-agenda-jargon used to color a statement or fact negatively before the reader's mind can decide for themselves the value of the information being conveyed. In this case, the use of the meaningless phrase “assault weapon.” A rifle is a rifle, the same as an assault hammer is just a hammer. Assault is the activity of people, not their tools.

In the second paragraph, Sheriff Mack is associated with something people are being programmed to believe is bad; therefore, we have guilt by association.

The Oath Keepers are a group of men and women supporting the Constitution and encouraging members to stand up for it in their daily lives. The stories associated with the Oath Keepers and the January 6th incident were created to discredit the Oath Keepers organization and all people who recognized vote fraud associated with the Biden Presidency.

The circumstances of what really happened on January 6th, including how the Oath Keepers were set up, are articulated very well in the works of David Sumrall here.

In the third paragraph, the author had this to say about Sheriff Mack and Me:

In a webinar for CSPOA members this week, Mack was excited about the Illinois sheriffs’ mass resistance, declaring, “We are so into this thing.” His co-host Jack Mullen called the resistance “a revolutionary event.” Mack praised sheriffs for being “warriors” in defense of the Second Amendment, and reported that CSPOA is organizing a press conference in Illinois as well as planning a meeting with the state’s sheriffs on March 4.

I have to say that he got this all right! The event coming up on March 4th in Illinois is Revolutionary because, as we have all noticed, very little, if anything, has been done to stand against the unlawful and ominously dangerous restrictions and color of law enacted by States and the Federal Government against gun ownership for decades. And it's true, Sheriff Mack was excited as he praised these brave men as warriors defending the Second Amendment.

Let's be honest here we are in a war – and there is an old saying, “no one loves the warrior until the enemy is at the gate.” We no longer have any gates no one is prevented from entering or leaving, and besides, the enemies now do not identify themselves with uniforms – they are dressed as bankers, doctors, or politicians.

Another positive of this attempt to be a hit piece is mentioning Michael Peroutka, the recent candidate for Maryland's attorney general office. One of the things that Peroutka said in the past that the author thought would convince you that Sheriff Mack, Sam Bushman, and Myself were associating with “Far Right” extremists can be found in the following paragraph:

Peroutka’s far right ideas about “the proper role of government” are reflected in the teachings of the Institute on the Constitution, which he founded. In a commentary that is no longer available on the IOTC site, Peroutka wrote that “the function of civil government is to obey God and enforce God’s law – PERIOD,” claiming, “It is not the role of civil government to house, feed, clothe, educate or give health care to … ANYBODY!”

I mean, really, who can argue with this? Government is no one's caretaker anyway. They do not pay for anything – taxpayers do-  and as a general rule, anything the government does is inefficient, insufficient, incompetent, and of the lowest quality. Government is, at best, a “dangerous servant and a fearful master.”.

I would say that centuries of experience bear out what Peroutka said.  Governments must be assigned a few very simple tasks – outside of which the people are responsible for their own lives and the lives of their families and loved ones. Giving governments further tasks and power will result, as shown repeatedly, the same results we are witnessing today.

I will leave the rest of this article to you, the reader, except to say it was not nearly as nasty as the clap-trap written by the goons at the ADL or SPLC, and in the end, I think this gentleman has made our point.

I stand by the Sheriffs who are standing up for me. I hope all of you can see the peaceful and polite society America once was is collapsing into the very thing our enemies dream of establishing – something mediocre, lifeless, unproductive, and in the end, degenerate and dangerous.

Long live the Constitution!

Here is the article – tell me what you think.

Institute on the Constitution founder and failed Maryland Attorney General candidate Michael Peroutka (Image from Maryland State Bar Association candidate interview from March 2022.)

Oh, and if you have not, please donate to the Illinois event coming up on March 4th. The CSPOA is making changes, the kinds of changes readers want.  Donate today 

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