Video: Arkansas Sheriffs Tell the ATF to Go Pound Sand

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Arkansas Sheriffs basically tell the ATF to go pound sand in their latest press release.

“The Arkansas Sheriffs’ Association, having the full weight and backing of the State of Arkansas, and in accordance with that statute, is making the public statement that we do not support assisting the federal government in any way in the enforcing of this offensive affront to the rights of law-abiding citizens of the State of Arkansas. Criminals don’t obey the law, and when rules like this are put in place, they seek only to criminalize otherwise law-abiding citizens. Our government needs to focus on keeping violent repeat offenders off the street, and not on how to make criminals out of law-abiding citizens.”  – Scott Bradley, Director Arkansas Sheriffs’ Association


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  • The county represents the people; The States represent the County governments; The federal government including the President are agents for the State governments. Folks need to understand posse comitatus which is the power of the county.
    In America under the State and federal Constitutions the people are the enforcers of the law through the Sheriff, the Grand Jury and the trial jury. The governments are to see the proper execution of the laws which represent the will of the people. Far too many people believe that execution and enforcement are synonymous – THEY ARE NOT CONSTITUTIONALLY SYNONYMOUS.
    Federalist #78 documents this policy which is the tenor of our laws and reflects the contract which our founders ratified in the Constitution – Every act of government that is not the will of the people must be declared void by the judiciary.
    I am not aware of any legitimate effort by current or past governments to accurately and honestly collect and disseminate the common will of the people. The use of polls; surveys and elections does not represent the will of the people. The will of the people can only be determined by an active process at the local level where the representatives and the people are closest. This CANNOT work in the politically poisoned culture of partisan politics as warned by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

  • Dear Constitutional officers, and Patriots of America,

    I am a member of the CSPOA, and have made an inquiry via the CSPOA website to Sheriff Mack directly. King Johns 1215 Magna Carta suggests “no king is accountable to the people” rather “Kings are subject only to God and the Law” — Perhaps citizens of America forgot Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed? That also explains DC, an unconstitutional foreign corporation ruling over Soveriegn American Citizens in rejection of our US Constitution, State law and State jurisdictions… Please send the U.S AG and DOJ letters; Bill of Rights “Jury by Peers” venue change — J-6 PRISONERS — DC to Home State — W Virginia v EPA, Malbury v Madison judicial review…

    Please forward throughout the organizations, my reach is limited, but my message content is sound, Thank-You

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