Chief’s Association Fires a Shot at the 2nd Amendment

Posted in: 2nd Amendment, Chicago, Constitution, Gun Control, News, Sheriff Richard Mack, Sheriffs
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(by Rick Dalton on Oct 28, 2015) The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), at its recent annual conference in, of all places, Chicago, called for universal background checks on all purchases and transfers of firearms, private or otherwise. According to a Reuters news story.

“The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.” Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds. “Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks”, the chiefs said.

According to CSPOA President Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret.)

“Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, and it’s also a great place to go to get murdered. If crime laws actually worked, we’d be living in the Utopian Socialist, crime-free heaven on earth dreamed about by Chicago Mayor Rahm Imanuel. More gun laws will only disarm more law-abiding Americans and further embolden criminals.”

The recent increase in homicide rates in some US cities is not related to a “proliferation of firearms” as the IACP statement claims, says CSPOA Executive VP and Legislative Liaison Rick Dalton.

“Contrary to IACP’s claims, firearms possession has risen dramatically for the past 20 years or so in America, not just this year. At the same time, homicides and violent crime have dropped nearly 45%. So what is the cause of increased violence in some major cities? It’s the assault on police, caused by an illogical reaction to a few admitted law enforcement actions resulting in the deaths of innocent citizens. Those must be eliminated. The murders of cops and threats against them have resulted in what has been called the “Ferguson effect”. Some police are now holding back on aggressive enforcement in these crime-ridden, liberal-controlled inner cities. They don’t want to be assassinated or assaulted for doing their job, so they sit tight and only respond to 911 calls. As a result, the criminals, the ones who didn’t obey the weapons laws already on the books, are emboldened and having a heyday on the streets.”

A look at the IACP website reveals that the group, which has members from varied nations with different ideas of liberty and freedom, reveals that it supports some of the same failed anti-freedom policies of the past, such as banning “assault weapons”, handguns, “armor piercing” ammunition, and the use of “asset forfeiture” laws, which allows police to take property and financial assets from citizens without charging them with a crime. The basis for this much-abused law is to stop criminal syndicates and cartels by seizing assets they obtained through criminal enterprises. In reality, is seldom used that way, but rather it is used to take property used by small-time criminals and sometimes only for possession of drugs in a vehicle, which may actually belong to another innocent person. Nevertheless, the property is seized and often not given back to the innocent owner, unless she can prove her innocence. It’s really “policing for profit”.

To read further about the IACP’s attack on the right to defend yourself, go HERE.

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