CSPOA VP Rick Dalton speaks to Gun Rights Rally in Phoenix April 14th

Posted in: 2nd Amendment, Arizona, Constitution, Gun Control, Police, RTKBA
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Phoenix event for the national 2nd amendment rally This was the Phoenix event for the national 2nd amendment rally that happened on all 50 states today. About 125 people were present while I was there speaking and chatting for about 45 Minutes.. There was a large police presence (about 25 or so officers in uniform, and I'm sure a few plain clothes people mixing in with the crowd.

The national 2nd amendment rally But the uniformed crew kept themselves and their vehicles, ( including the mobile comand center, a Bearcat vehicle, and others) about 100 yards from the event. This was pretty cool. I talked with a couple of them, and they said they weren't expecting any trouble, and they wanted to give us space to have our event without any intimidation or heavy-handed moves. Everything went smoothly, as far as I saw, and there were no counter-protestors in sight.

There was a crew of patriots in BDU's with vests and ARs on the perimiter as a security force.

Phoenix event for the national 2nd amendment rally
Rick Dalton speaks to patriots at the rally.

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