Ammon Bundy gets “special treatment” from TSA

Posted in: Constitution, News, TSA
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On a trip to Utah yesterday, Ammon Bundy and his 12-year-old daughter went through airport security in Phoenix. The trip never happened. This is because Ammon’s name was in the records of the TSA as a threat and danger to fly. His boarding pass was marked with “SSSS”. Because of this, he and his daughter had to endure a complete search of all their belongings and persons, which delayed him for an hour, during which time they missed their flight.

The next flight was not soon enough for them to arrive in Utah in time to make the family event they were going to attend. This is apparently because Senator Harry Reid labeled Ammon, and all those who stood up to the federal government at the Bundy ranch in Nevada several months ago. We urge members and everyone to write and/or call the TSA and Senator Harry Reid’s office to protest this terrible treatment of a peaceful American patriot. Please express your displeasure at this “police state” tactic.

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