Oathkeepers volunteer, save lives, property in Ferguson, and are called “domestic terrorists”.

Posted in: Constitution, Ferguson, News
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(by CSPOA on Dec 2, 2014) The violence and mayhem which has taken place in Ferguson since the announcement of the grand jury verdict in the Officer Darren Wilson case is terrible and much of it could have been prevented. The governor failed to deploy the national guard, which he already had mobilized until many buildings had been burned to the ground by lawless rioters and criminals. So when it was evident that he had “dropped the ball again”, Oathkeepers, a national group of active duty and former military and law enforcement officers, called for volunteers to come and protect lives and property. At their own expense, several Oathkeepers left their jobs and homes, traveled to Ferguson, and stood in the gap. With the permission and gratitude of the property owners, they stood guard on the roofs and inside several buildings, which also contained residences of several people.

The major media hasn’t covered this part of the Ferguson story at all, to our knowledge. Ben Swann is to thank for helping to get this information out to the public. See the link below to his coverage.

With the roofs wet down to prevent arsonists from throwing Molotov cocktails on top to burn the buildings down, these volunteers prevented loss of life, injury, property damage, and looting from taking place. Some of the business owners cried when the offer was made to protect them for free. When firebombs were thrown on the roof, the oath keepers, putting themselves in danger, grabbed them and dropped them into buckets of water. A radio interview with Oathkeepers President Stewart Rhodes and “Sam”, a local oathkeeper leader in Ferguson, can be heard at this link on truthinmedia.com:


And for all their work, law enforcement commanders and Federal agents called them “domestic terrorists”, pointed sniper rifles at them, and threatened them with arrest if they did not leave. Reluctantly, they did. Rank and file local peace officers were apologetic and thanked the oath keepers for helping. America needs more dedicated servants like these volunteers. CSPOA President, Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret.), serves on the board of directors of Oathkeepers, and we salute them for their bravery and generosity.

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