Criminal Alien kills Sheriff’s Deputy

Posted in: Constitution, Immigration, News, Police, Sheriffs
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Deputy's car destroyed by rear-end collision.
Deputy's car was destroyed by rear-end collision.

A deputy sheriff in Kansas was allegedly killed by an illegal alien with a criminal history of drunk driving. Now, two Congressional leaders are demanding to know why the illegal alien was not reported to U.S. Immigration Enforcement (ICE) following his two prior arrests. (Source:

(By Rick Dalton 21 September 2016)  We are saddened and angered by yet another American who was killed by an Illegal Alien Criminal, who, but for illegal sanctuary policies, would have been in jail or deported. Our hearts go out to the family of Master Deputy Brandon Collins of the Johnson County, Kansas Sheriff's Office.

According to Breitbart News, “U.S. Senators Charles Grassley (R-IA), who serves as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Jerry Moran (R-KS) have written a letter, attached below, to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, demanding information about the criminal and immigration history of Espinosa-Flores.”

If you want to help stop this senseless carnage,  Call your US Senator and Congressmen and demand an end to sanctuary policies, and strict enforcement of our immigration laws.

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